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They advocate for a future where everyone can access contraception and abortion. They reached out to Mindwave to develop an online booking solution, allowing clients to  book appointments with MSIUK services and enables staff to focus on value-added tasks with more complex booking needs.


To support the 30% year-on-year increase in demand for sexual and reproductive healthcare needs, we co-designed a bespoke solution for triaging patients withlist ensuring safeguarding. E-forms facilitate online consultations prior to treatment and offer a comprehensive appointment booking pathway.

My role & key responsibilities: 

For this project, I was the main designer. My key responsibilities included drafting detailed user flows, maintaining design system components, Miro boards, and Figma files, along with maintaining client & internal communication. I took over the project after the workshops were completed by another designer, analysed them and translated them into a high level user flow. 


Discovery workshops

Workshops were conducted with MSI staff and clients to identify drawbacks in the current process and uncover any pain points or frustrations they might have


Co-design sessions

The sessions aimed to prioritize features by leveraging the MSI team's knowledge. We defined high-level user stories to understand complexities & empathize. 


Design sprints

Grooming sessions were held for each sprint to prioritising design cards, which were then completed and put on design freeze for developers to pick. 

Design process


Key services 

(Termination of pregnancy)

Termination of pregnancy or abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy. There are two types of abortion: medical abortion and surgical abortion.


MSI UK specialise in treatment, advice & support for people considering abortion 

(Long acting contraception)

LARC is reversible contraception measure to prevent pregnancy. MSI UK offers implant, coils and injection: once they’re fitted you can forget about them. 

MSI UK also offers contraception as a part of abortion treatment, by suggesting contraception suited to  your individual needs


Vasectomy is a quick, safe, and effective method of contraception for men. ​

MSI UK teams provide high quality care in friendly and relaxing clinics. the service completely  safe and confidential service along with an option for counselling service. 

The first step was mapping the high-level user journey of the portal based on workshop findings. This helped unpack complexities and identify journeys needing refinement or with dependencies.


The next step involved defining user roles and their key responsibilities, which was crucial for developing the portal interface. By understanding each role from the beginning, we could delve into their specific challenges and design tailored user flows to meet their needs effectively.

User stories & acceptance criteria (Trello)

User stories and acceptance criteria were drafted for each sprint, clearly defining high-level epics and breaking them into smaller goals that was further split into user stories. Clear card numbering of cards played a pivotal role in sprint planning and facilitated communication between teams.

Final outcome

A responsive web application accessible across multiple devices by service users, staff members, & admins. It ensures service users receive medication or treatment suited to their needs.The staff portal combines triaging functionality with comprehensive admin features, enabling constant updates to consultation forms, patient dashboards, trigger words, and more.

Design system

Key features

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1. Early eligibility check
Patients can check MSI treatment eligibility or be signposted to other pathways, helping avoid delays in receiving medication/treatment. 
2. Online consultation
Patients can submit medical information online via e-form before their consultation, saving appointment time. 
3. Online appointment booking
Easily book, reschedule, or cancel appointments and opt for reminders to reduce no-shows.
4. Triage worklist
Patients needing support are triaged by age, gestation, safeguarding, RightCare status, and callbacks, then categorized into four groups for MSI staff prioritization.

Clear indication of pending cases on the page for determining staff capacity. 
5. Call back
Patients can book a callback with MSI staff, clearly indicated on the triage worklist and under call backs
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6. Form builder
Allows staff members to easily create, edit, approve and publish e-forms on the portal for patients to fill.

Includes over 12 question types and triggers for safeguarding, rightcare, and telemedicine. This enables automatic patient triaging
7. Safeguarding & rightcare
When a patient completes the form and selects a trigger response, it is immediately flagged to a team member on the triage worklist. Triggers vary by service and can be updated anytime.
8. Dynamic dashboard
The super admin updates patient-accessible content and forms, affecting all newly onboarded patients.

They can modify headers, descriptions, and estimated form completion times. Each service has its own unique dashboard.
9. Super admin functions
The super admin updates eligibility postcodes and GP clinic locations on the portal, manages other super admins, and can convert or deactivate them as necessary.

Safeguarding measures


Quick exit

Allowing users to exit the site without any prompt, clicking on this button opens 7 generic tabs like bbc to avoid showing in hsitory


Memorable word

The portal mandates 2-factor authentication. For those who find it difficult to receive OTP via phone/email due to safety concerns, a memorable word can be used instead.


Trigger words

Open text fields in all e-forms are linked with trigger words. If detected (e.g., mental health, drug use, alcohol), they are flagged to a special team for support.

Next steps


Appointment integration

Date of completion: 18/07/2024

Integrating with electronic patient record for management of appointment slots and ensure availability during booking. 


Clinical Safety

Date of completion : 30/07/2024 

no potential blockers at the moment. Only possible risk is the dependency on Maxims for appointment functionality. 


UAT testing and bug fixes

Date of completion: 09/08/2024

Bugs reported and prioritized based on priority (P1,P2 & P3) along with ​marking CR for any new change requests.


Go Live

Planned date: 19/08/2024 

no potential blockers at the moment. Only possible risk is the dependency on Maxims for appointment functionality. 

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